The Division 2 launches this week, and I can’t wait to hear its audio logs. I mean, sure, the rest of the game might…
New Super Mario Bros. U is the second-best 2D Mario game. New Super Luigi U is an incredible showcase of inventive…
The weather is cold outside. But inside, there’s anime. Let’s figure out what shows we want to watch.
The Nintendo Labo Vehicle kit is far from a new Zelda game, but while building it recently, I had flashbacks to some…
Video games are an expensive hobby, often demanding a great deal of trust whenever you buy a new one. Buying a game…
The standard Nintendo Labo kits include designs like robot arms, mini pianos, and fishing rods, but some players…
New story quests, side missions, dungeons and raids are always nice, but the coolest changes coming in January’s…
It turns out if you want to get the LA-based musician Will Wiesenfeld, stage name Baths, talking about video games,…