CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicPilotwings' Mellow Jazz Showed SNES Had A Sound All Its OwnWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s new, daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they…ByAlexandra HallPublishedSeptember 4, 2020
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformResident Evil 3: The Kotaku ReviewAbout five minutes into the Resident Evil 3 remake, I uttered the word “brilliant.” I don’t use that word often. I…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedMarch 30, 2020
CultureCultureHow Breath Of The Wild Helped Me Love Food AgainPlaying video games is a personal experience. Sometimes it’s surprising just how personal it gets. The first time I…ByAshley Barry-BiancuzzoPublishedMarch 19, 2020
2/8/20I Can't Get Enough of Trails of Cold Steel III's Intense Battle MusicI love picking fights with tough monsters in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, even when I don’t have…ByNarelle Ho SangPublishedFebruary 8, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsMelancholy Music Game Deemo Is More Heartbreaking In 3DReleased in 2013 for mobile devices and ported to the Vita and Switch in 2017, Deemo is a simple piano-based rhythm…ByMike FaheyPublishedJanuary 3, 2020
CultureCultureA Closer Look At Dark Souls' Most Difficult Player-Created ChallengesDark Souls’ gloomy world and difficult battles appeal to players and writers alike. One of the deepest dives is You…ByKeza MacDonald, Jason KillingsworthPublishedDecember 18, 2019
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryGrid On Stadia Runs Well And Reminds Me What I Love About Racing GamesI’ve been flirting with the idea of playing a racing simulation again, so when Stadia finally launched with Grid, I…ByPaul TamayoPublishedNovember 27, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsMario Maker Level Lets You Compose Music And Play It BackSome of the best creations in Super Mario Maker 2 often have extremely little to do with the experience of playing a…ByJoshua RiveraPublishedSeptember 30, 2019
6/21/19The Netflix Release Of Neon Genesis Evangelion Is Missing Its Iconic Ending ThemeAll 26 episodes of legendary anime Neon Genesis Evangelion are now available for streaming on U.S. Netflix, but…ByMike FaheyPublishedJune 21, 2019
Kotaku EastNow playing Kotaku EastK-Pop Pick Of The Day: ZimzalabimRed Velvet, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists of all time, just released their newest title track,…BySeung ParkPublishedJune 20, 2019