Every once in a while, Apex Legends players notice that two of the game’s characters, Wraith and Bloodhound, both…
A mobile game based on the popular card game.
Every once in a while, Apex Legends players notice that two of the game’s characters, Wraith and Bloodhound, both…
When I sat down with the makers of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey last week, I had to ask them about Alexios, Kassandra,…
This afternoon at E3 in Los Angeles, I watched an extended demo of the Final Fantasy VII remake and got my hands on…
During a developer live stream today, BioWare gave Anthem players their first look at the game’s upcoming Cataclysm…
It took a significant chunk of the day for any of the eight-player groups streaming The Division 2’s new Operation…
Back in 2017, some of the most dedicated Dota 2 players spent hundreds of dollars on microtransactions to win a…
Not one but two older entries into the Mario Bros. canon resurface this week, because in the world of video games…
Another light week at the end of the year, but some neat games are showing up on the Switch.
The Nintendo Labo Vehicle kit is far from a new Zelda game, but while building it recently, I had flashbacks to some…
Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion introduces a lot of new stuff to the game, but the most significant addition is a new…