Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory's next game, Enslaved, may offer the most pleasant looking post-apocalyptic…
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory's next game, Enslaved, may offer the most pleasant looking post-apocalyptic…
Take a trip through post-apocalyptic America with Monkey and Trip in Enslaved, a new action-adventure game coming in…
The outside of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PAX display was laregly about the new TMNT: Smash-Up game, but the…
It's a regular occurrence. Open my email, and time after time, there the question is, staring me in the face: How…
What do you think of when you imagine going to the beach on a hot summer day? Sunblock, towels, bikinis maybe? Not…
As if responding to Crecente's Day Note yesterday, the New York Comic Con issued a press release today announcing…
PAX is largely fantastic, but for us, one event stands out above all others. The Omegathon. It's like that bit in…
Sunday's major security breakdown in a marketing research firm's website opened up a flood of info and set Kotaku…
This artwork by Shawnimals toy line creator Shawn Smith adorned one full wall at the PR office where I went to…