This is a sequel of sorts to 2009's amazing "8-Bit Trip", by Swedes remdreglade. They're back, with a new name (Ninja…
This is a sequel of sorts to 2009's amazing "8-Bit Trip", by Swedes remdreglade. They're back, with a new name (Ninja…
Today at GamesCom I witnessed a monkey touching a pig's penis. Perhaps I should explain.
Monkey and Trip show off their co-dependent relationship in this latest trailer for upcoming action game Enslaved:…
Video games have a huge presence at this year's Comic-Con, with offerings from Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Capcom,…
Ninja Monkey and Sexy Robot? Those two word combinations alone are enough to get many onboard for Namco Bandai's…
I've always been quite sensitive to certain types of friction. (I considered writing that sentence 10 different…
Developer Ninja Theory will work its multiplatform ninjitsu with Enslaved, a lovely looking post apocalyptic buddy…
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory has already proven that they can make "post apocalyptic" pretty with Enslaved:…
Apparently a lot of you are sick of playing video games set in the city in which I live.