Sony today laid out their launch plans for the PS Vita in the PAL territories. Here's a break down of the confirmed…
Sony today laid out their launch plans for the PS Vita in the PAL territories. Here's a break down of the confirmed…
The next chapter in the story of dark Japanese hero Ryu Hayabusa will take a look at the man beneath the mask; a man…
It was a promise. British-born game designer Andrzej Zamoyski and his brother Adam made it as soon as they heard the…
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was one of the unexpected surprises of 2010—a wonderfully colorful, well-told story…
But Is It Accredited? | A new school opened this week in Jonesville, N.C. Its faculty is a little young. If you have…
Ninja Moped, the Swedish artists behind a series of eye-popping stop-motion LEGO animations depicting classic…
Join me as I take the first steps in a four-week journey into the colorful candy world of NetDevil's LEGO Universe.
There is a man named Monkey and a woman named Trip. New York City is in shambles, its landmarks collapsed or covered…
Andy Serkis, the lead voice and body-acting talent behind Ninja Theory's Heavenly Sword and Enslaved acting as the…
in the latest developer diary for Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, the fine folks at Ninja Theory…