Most years, I find whittling a best-of list down to just 10 entries a tortuous process. Not so in 2017, because in…
Most years, I find whittling a best-of list down to just 10 entries a tortuous process. Not so in 2017, because in…
One of the most heart-warming stories in video games this year was the discovery in September that the Nintendo…
Today, Zelda receives its first piece of downloadable content, The Master Trials. The DLC’s got some new goodies and…
After dozens of wonderful hours playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I finally came across a bad…
Election Day is tomorrow. America might elect a jackass to be their leader, and I am terrified. To cope, I recently…
Final Fantasy VII is as memorable as it is largely thanks to its multifaceted soundtrack.
The opening cinematic ends as the camera transitions into live gameplay, and I’m given control for the first time.…
Once more unto the breach, dear hunters. Bloodborne’s DLC expansion hits next week, and while I can’t talk about The…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column to be stranded on a hellish island with only…