For years, No Mutants Allowed, a news site and message board, hung in a happy obscurity. It’s the largest Fallout fan…
For years, No Mutants Allowed, a news site and message board, hung in a happy obscurity. It’s the largest Fallout fan…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column that can help you find the Best Ending to the…
Bloodborne (and Dark Souls/Demon’s Souls) will make you feel like a million different emotions, most of them…
Earlier this week, I asked you guys to share your most memorable video game victories. The only thing more…
As you read this list, you’re going to notice something about me: The thing I most care about in a game isn’t the…
Well, here we are. Another year, another WWE game. Another awkward cooling off period as the runaway hype train of…
With the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition today, now is the perfect time to take an in-depth look at the anime…
There's really no getting around it: many, many games are about violence, and sometimes it can be a bit much. Kill…
Trapped in a vegetative state for 14 years, Wolfenstein hero B.J. Blazkowicz awakens to a 1960 dominated by Nazis…
A user on Reddit has posted a decompiled module that claims Valve's anti-cheat service, VAC, is quietly going…