In one of Syrmor Sherazee’s best videos, he asks a long-legged bird about what it was like to be homeless.
This game is the fruit of a lifetime’s worth of learning, though the author emphasises that erudition is ultimately pointless, so perhaps it is better to remain ignorant.
In one of Syrmor Sherazee’s best videos, he asks a long-legged bird about what it was like to be homeless.
As winter starts to ebb to a slow and meandering close, I find myself drawn to more lo-fi, jazzy tracks than usual.
Picture a stripped down, hollowed out, watercolor version of Stardew Valley, and you’ll have something very close to …
Let’s balance out yesterday’s intensely saccharine, one-dimensional pick with something from the opposite end of the…
The music we listen to as we play our favorite games is nice, but what about the music we hear when we aren’t…
YouTuber TazerHere has created a sleepy Texas town called Berrysville in immaculate detail, but what really makes it…
The musician Alex Lasater, who goes by A L E X, considers his happy place to be a basement shag-carpet floor, on one…