Wizard of Legend is straightforward: go in a room, unleash your awesome spells to kill everything in it, and then…
Wizard of Legend is straightforward: go in a room, unleash your awesome spells to kill everything in it, and then…
This week has a great mix of definitive editions and newcomers. Get ready to revisit your favorites and discover new…
My Dungeons & Dragons group can sometimes give our DM a hard time. That’s nothing compared to your D&D stories,…
Harry Potter has not had the most illustrious history when it comes to video game adaptations. It looks like things…
Magic: The Gathering has its 25th anniversary this year, and Magic has been using its upcoming Masters 25 set to…
I’ve been going back and forth on what the most mind-blowing part of the Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is.…
Yesterday one of the regular members of my Dungeons & Dragons group had to cancel, so the rest of us decided to roll…
If Football—that is, the American National Football League football—used the same naming scheme as “Dungeons &…
The fastest way to beat the iconic role-playing game Final Fantasy IV isn’t to dash through the final dungeon or…
When it gets cold outside, there’s only one thing to do: stay indoors and watch anime. So let’s do exactly that!…