PlayStation Vita port of Madden NFL 13.
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron releases this week, along with the free-to-play launch of Age of Empires Online…
Following a breakout rookie year, "Stadium Nacho," the Madden NFL Dorito flavor, returns for a sophomore campaign on…
The arrival of Freddy Krueger in Mortal Kombat might take headline precedence, but Madden NFL 12's demo gets the…
Fruit Ninja Kinect? Fruit Ninja Kinect. And folks, that is it for the week. Well, EDGE, another well received (and…
What is EA Sports' Season Ticket? It's a $25 VIP pass, good for a year, getting you past the velvet rope to your…
EA Sports will offer an annual subscription for hardcore sports gamers, which includes a three-day, pre-release…
It is a thin week for new releases, especially at retail. On shelves, there's Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd…
Journey into the twisted dream world of a man smitten with a beautiful girl named Catherine in the eponymous game…
This week Techland's western series Call of Juarez makes a run for the present-day border. Other releases include…
Phil Frazier, a 13-year veteran of EA Sports and the executive producer for the label's flagship Madden NFL title,…