Journey into the twisted dream world of a man smitten with a beautiful girl named Catherine in the eponymous game arriving this Tuesday. Dragon Age II also gets an expansion, From Dust arrives in Xbox Live's Summer of Arcade, and PC and PS3 players get Black Ops' Annihilation map pack.
Catherine (PS3, 360) — Atlus' bizarre climbing game defies any easy description, but a well-received demo has put it on many gamers' calendars here in North America.
Dragon Age II: Legacy (PC, XBLA, PSN) — The first major expansion takes players to "an ancient Grey Warden prison" to put a stop to a criminal cartel hunting the Hawke lineage.
Also: Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (3DS); Sims 3 Town Life Stuff (PC, Mac).
From Dust (XBLA)
Call of Duty: Black Ops: Annihilation (PC, PSN)
Looking Ahead
Aug. 16: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. Aug. 23: Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Aug. 30: Driver: San Francisco, Madden NFL 12. Sept 6: Dead Island, Resistance 3, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Sept. 13: NHL 12. Sept. 20: Gears of War 3
What are you getting? What do you want? What are you looking forward to? Sound it off below, and at #twig.
Sources: Video Game Release Calendar; GameStop