Nioh takes a lot of liberty with its historical setting but still maintains a large cast of famous warlords,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Legendary Sword
This is the first person medieval RPG game, where you can experience the open world. Become a farmer, breed livestock, go out hunting in the sun, sneak into the castle at night as a thief, or bring your best weapons and armor to resist the invasion of the enemy. Finally, take the booty home.
Nioh takes a lot of liberty with its historical setting but still maintains a large cast of famous warlords,…
For all its extraordinary visual splendor, Assassin’s Creed Origins is ultimately an ordinary video game. That’s not…
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND PIXELS, which comes out on September 5 and tells the…
The weird, charming daughter raising simulator Princess Maker 3: Fairy Tales Come True has finally been released in…
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild manages to be both massive and unusually detailed. The sprawl of Hyrule will…
A brief history for those who are new to Kotaku and our on-again, off-again obsession with this game. Destiny is a…
Thunderbolt Fantasy is an anime made out of glove puppets. A regular Kotaku reader told me that, and I was like, excu…
Nioh is an upcoming Playstation 4 exclusive that blends aspects of Dark Souls, Onimusha, and even a little Genji:…
It is a rule of the internet that, when a fandom is taken too seriously, it will develop its own special brand of…
Not long after this year’s E3 showfloor opened up for exhibitors, the internet started gossiping about a hacker who…