Flashback is a science fiction platform video game remake of the original 1992 Flashback. The game was developed by the original game designer, Paul Cuisset, with his studio, VectorCell, and published by Ubisoft. The game was released on August 21, 2013 on Xbox Live Arcade.
Asura’s Wrath is cathartic. One moment, you feel like the most powerful being in the universe. The next, smaller…
During last night’s Sega FES 2018 stream, the company announced a mini version of the Mega Drive will be released in…
As soon as I saw people streaming A Way Out, I knew I’d have a field day looking up their reactions to the game’s…
This week we’ve got Far Cry 5’s cult-fighting open world coming to lots of platforms and Outlast 2 being ported to…
Flashback is coming to the Switch on June 7. There’s a physical 25th Anniversary Collector’s Edition but unfortunately that’s only for Europe and Australia. For those too young to remember what was going on back in 1992, Flashback was a cinematic adventure platformer about an amnesiac on the run from mutants.
The Longest Five Minutes presents its basic fantasy tale as a series of flashbacks experienced by its amnesiac main…
A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
Food is such an important part of our lives, so I’m always curious about its portrayal in games, especially the…
On a whim a couple of months ago, I decided to start rewatching Lost, a show about people on an island eating fish…
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s second piece of downloadable content, The Champions’ Ballad, is a…