Samuel L Jackson, Charlize Theron, and Jamie Foxx are a few of the leaders that kick ass in the name of their country
Try your skill as an Escape Artist to solve the puzzles and get out of the room!
Samuel L Jackson, Charlize Theron, and Jamie Foxx are a few of the leaders that kick ass in the name of their country
There's a lot of gore and horror, but these films also show how deep Werewolf mythology really goes
Both Alan Wake games, the Bioshock series, and more are available at a steep discount
The RPG’s seventh big patch launched on PC last month, and is finally coming to other platforms
Patch 7 brings expanded endings for the darkest choices you can make in the RPG
Think carefully about your perk cards or you’re in for a slog
The art on the back of American Pokémon Cards has always had a peculiar mistake
The latest Pokémon card set is bursting with pricey, beautiful rares
Immerse yourself in digital dread with our Halloween-appropriate gaming recs
Buckle up, these are some incredibly memorable video game endings