StarCraft II could have been a prettier game, with massive Zerg Ultralisks and screen-filling Protoss Motherships.…
StarCraft II could have been a prettier game, with massive Zerg Ultralisks and screen-filling Protoss Motherships.…
I'm just going to come right out and say it: I love drunk video game characters.
This week's North American PlayStation Store update is stuffed with new musical selections for Rock Band 3, Def Jam…
In two weeks, President Obama will appear in a video game for the second time in two months. Is he being paid for…
Monday Night Combat. Evokes a sense of battle-as-primetime sport, right? Sure, thanks to a certain football…
This game was made by brave people.
In this line of work, I'm continually reminded of how big a part games like Castlevania, Mega Man and Contra played…
They're some of the most recognisable faces in modern pop culture. But have you ever wondered just who the men and…