Tired of rhythm games filled with glitz and glam, high-priced plastic instruments, and licensed music you may or…
Tired of rhythm games filled with glitz and glam, high-priced plastic instruments, and licensed music you may or…
Talk about cramming it all in at the end of the quarter. First the Modern Warfare team decided to sue Activision for…
Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot's gratuitous gore, Cold War-era enemies, ridiculous, WWF-inspired takedowns and general…
I Was An Xbox Live Celebrity, For One Night Only
Comment by: The Forgetful Brain
Nominated by: puresewas1de
In the past year, 70,000 men and women enlisted in the U.S. Army. Sixty-seven times that amount - 4.7 million -…
In this third MMO Log for Star Trek Online, we feel the ravages of free time, explore episodic missions, and reach…
College senior Justin Le Clair may be the most commercially successful Xbox 360 developer of 2009. For four hours of…
There comes a time in the week to reflect on what got into my reporter's notebook but didn't turn into Kotaku blog…
Paul Wedgwood, fervent gamer turned bold game designer, believes he has identified the greatest experience a player…
Valkyria Chronicles is a strategy RPG created by the Sega studio behind Skies of Arcadia and Phantasy Star that…