The NBA is doing its best to put the “sports” into esports. For the past two months, the NBA has run the first video…
The NBA is doing its best to put the “sports” into esports. For the past two months, the NBA has run the first video…
Released this morning, Fortnite’s Season 5 is like a whole new game. With two new locations, toys, an All Terrain…
In Hollow Knight, looks can be deceiving. A sad little lamplit town may hide the entrance to a beautiful buried…
Put ten game designers in a room together and there’s a pretty good chance someone will bring up Dark Souls.
A declining player base. Multiple public-relations gaffes. And gameplay that still feels unfinished. Can PUBG turn…
One year ago, I dropped from Platinum rank to Gold in Overwatch’s competitive mode. Even though it was just a…
Hello all you fiery sex meerkats of the Twitterhord, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column…
There are countless turns and intersections in GTA Online, most of them unremarkable in every way. One specific…
Star Wars: Battlefront II is working to overcome its image problem following a controversial release. A new season…
It is still too early for me to say whether or not Destiny 2’s new Warmind is the breath of fresh Martian air that…