Editor’s Note - 5:25pm: This story, part of our regular coverage of the intersection of sex and games, originally…
Editor’s Note - 5:25pm: This story, part of our regular coverage of the intersection of sex and games, originally…
There’s a lot of potential in the mod scene that surrounds The Sims 4. You can tell your Sims not to wash their…
Does anyone remember Cleverbot, the sort-of-not-really AI that you could sort-of-not-really have a conversation…
Edmund McMillen—the guy who you might know from Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, or even just Indie Game: The…
In the summer of 2014, I was working on Official Nintendo Magazine. In the fall of 2014, Official Nintendo Magazine…
I’ve been playing a lot of The Sims 4 recently. There was a huge sale on Origin, so I bought about 75 percent of the…
Last week, I stumbled upon Overwatch porn. I wasn’t looking for it—I know as much about Overwatch as I do about…
Story time! I went to an all-girls’ school. My friends and I had that special bond of closeness that apparently…
This week is all about trying to rival the Awesome Games Done Quick speedrunners with Guacamelee! 2 on Xbox One, and…
The Dance Dance Revolution world championships are next weekend, hosted in Japan by KONAMI. This weekend, at the…
Luke TheNotable streamed the entirety of Fortnite’s “Infinite Dab” animation, which runs for ten hours. For his…
On Friday, the charity speedrunning stream hit one million dollars for US charity Prevent Cancer Foundation. Late on…