Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you…
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you…
Over the last few years, there have been a few mobile games that use the cell phone interface itself as a way to…
I owned Luigi’s Mansion on GameCube when I was slightly smaller than I am now. My younger brother and I would try to…
Awesome Games Done Quick is the speedrunning equivalent of the Olympics, only more frequent and featuring way more…
Four years ago, in space-exploration game Elite Dangerous, an explorer by the name of Erimus set out on a journey he…
Destiny 2 players have finally completed the seventh and final Niobe Labs puzzle—you know, the one that was…
We’re all aware of the kind of tropes that porn scripts employ to get their actors from point A to point Fisting.…
The titan has been toppled. Amazon’s 2018 list of best-selling video games (and video game accessories) has revealed…
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you…
Berlin’s Schwules Museum has opened a brand new exhibition named “Rainbow Arcade” to celebrate the history of LGBTQ…
Can it really be that time again? Awesome Games Done Quick is upon us once more, showcasing the very best and very…
Me neither. But according to a January 5 post on the NY Times website, they have a whole team of game designers on…
The Independent Games Festival, known as the IGF, has announced its finalists for 2019's awards show, which will be…
Tiny houses are, perhaps, one of the greatest/worst legacies of late capitalism. Forced into increasingly minuscule…
20th century sci-fi was so hopeful. By now, we should have flying cars, but instead we have Elon Musk. We should…
If your New Year’s resolution was to continue building your unplayed pile of shame to unsustainable heights, then…
Bad news for fans of LEGO, Lord of the Rings, and buying things: Warner Bros. has taken The Lord of the Rings and The…
Ingenuity is a child’s greatest asset and most dangerous weapon. When you’re small, you aren’t aware of limits yet,…
If there’s anything I learned studying Classics at university, it’s that our respected ancient ancestors were total…