Breath of the Wild players have always taken advantage of the game’s wonky physics, either in speedruns or for fun.…
Breath of the Wild players have always taken advantage of the game’s wonky physics, either in speedruns or for fun.…
The 2014 indie hit Shovel Knight paid homage to the Nintendo Entertainment System’s pixel art and game design, but…
Mega Man 11 is a fine game, and a worthy eleventh entry in a series that once set the bar for tricky platformers. It…
When Littlesiha’s Twitch viewers tune in to her Just Dance streams, they’re usually greeted by an infectious smile…
Just before midnight on August 10, 2016, I jumped up from my seat screaming at the top of my lungs about Dota 2. I…
Despite his penchant for crashing into the thick of things and leaving craters in his wake, Wrecking Ball has yet to…
If I’m commuting on the subway and don’t have two hands free to play Switch or 3DS games, I play a mobile game.…
In the treacherous world of Super Mario Bros., it’s useful, if not realistic for platforms to hover and fireballs to…
A Kickstarter for a board game adaptation of Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog had looked to be going…
Clever game design can take advantage of even the most limited resources. Celestial Hacker Girl Jessica is a…