The BestsThe BestsThe Best Video Games Of 2021 So FarDespite the [waves hands], 2021 has produced killer games like Hitman 3 and Death's DoorByKotaku StaffPublishedDecember 15, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsBetween Tyler The Creator and Rosalia, GTA Online's Expanded Radio Stations Will Be Full of BangersRockstar Games is introducing one new radio station, while overhauling two others with hella new and old songsByLevi WinslowPublishedDecember 13, 2021
ReviewsHardwareGame SystemsReviewsHardwareGame SystemsAnalogue Pocket: The Kotaku ReviewRetro console maker Analogue works its FPGA magic on Game Boy and the result is so goodByMike FaheyPublishedDecember 13, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsBehold! 15 Albums Of Persona Music In One Gorgeous $400 Box SetIam8bit has collected music from all five Persona games on color-coded vinylByMike FaheyPublishedDecember 10, 2021
CultureSpeedrunningCultureSpeedrunningSpeedrunners Beat Pokémon Shining Pearl With No Fights, Only A Fishing RodBDSP are famously broken, which is evident by the new sub-20 minute world record by VTuber CarolioByRenata PricePublishedDecember 7, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsI Like The Steam Deck's Box ArtOr, if we're going to be put it another way, the absence of box artByLuke PlunkettPublishedDecember 2, 2021
ReportReportGameStop Pushes Employees To The Breaking Point During Holiday RushPay freezes, online orders, and staffing shortages plague the last video game chain still standingByEthan GachPublishedDecember 1, 2021
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsXbox Celebrates 20th Anniversary With A Museum That Might Drag YouLike a parent showing baby pictures to guests, my Xbox museum is kind of embarrassingByIsaiah ColbertPublishedNovember 23, 2021
ReviewsHardwareGame SystemsReviewsHardwareGame SystemsThe Evercade VS Recaptures That Cartridge Game MagicNew cartridge-based retro game console brings those old school Nintendo feelsByMike FaheyPublishedNovember 22, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryCall Of Duty: Vanguard's Campaign Is An Insult To World War IIA misguided attempt to rewrite history for the better demeans those involvedByJohn WalkerPublishedNovember 11, 2021