OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsGoing Under Is Another Roguelike In A Hellish Setting: Late Stage CapitalismCapitalism sucks. It is a brutal economic system that is the source of poverty, war, famine, and the other two…ByAsh ParrishPublishedSeptember 28, 2020
CultureNow playing CultureTry These 10 Great Xbox Demos Before They Disappear On MondayWith due respect to your backlog, it’s OK to ignore it for one more weekend. Earlier this week, as part of Xbox’s…PublishedJuly 24, 2020
CultureCultureValorant's First 'Ultra' Skin Set Is A $100 InvestmentIf you looked me square in the eyes and said that you didn’t love the idea of a dragon-shaped gun with funny little…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJuly 9, 2020
5/20/20Automatic Weapons Are Taking The Fun Out Of Warzone’s GulagCall of Duty: Warzone’s Gulag is a special place: a small arena in the middle of a prison where two people fight so…ByEthan GachPublishedMay 20, 2020
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4/7/20Metal Gear Solid 2 Retrospective: Be Careful What You Wish ForThe initial technological threat in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is Metal Gear RAY. It is an “anti-Metal…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedApril 7, 2020
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformResident Evil 3: The Kotaku ReviewAbout five minutes into the Resident Evil 3 remake, I uttered the word “brilliant.” I don’t use that word often. I…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedMarch 30, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsNew Modern Warfare Mode Offers Large-Scale Battles With No Pesky TanksNew limited-time modes are giving players more options for large-scale warfare in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. ByS.E. DosterPublishedFebruary 26, 2020
ReviewsBoard GamesReviewsBoard GamesDune: The Kotaku ReviewDune is an experience so broken I don’t even know where to begin. Except to say it’s the best board game I’ve played…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedFebruary 20, 2020
ReviewsYear in ReviewReviewsYear in ReviewHeather Alexandra's Top 10 Games Of 20192019 might be the strangest year of my life so far. It felt more like a full decade compressed into 365 days. But…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedDecember 16, 2019