CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicLunar: The Silver Star Was One Good Argument For The Sega CDWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…ByAlexandra HallPublishedSeptember 28, 2020
CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicSega Mega Drive Super Medley Leaves You Wanting MoreWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s new, daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they…ByAlexandra HallPublishedAugust 11, 2020
OpinionAsk KotakuOpinionAsk KotakuWhat Is Your Single Favorite Piece Of Video Game Music?It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku’s rank and file weigh in on…ByAlexandra HallPublishedAugust 10, 2020
CultureCultureGrowing Up As A Taiwanese-American Gamer Was The Best Of Both WorldsEarly September, 1999. Britney Spears dominated the airwaves, fear of the Y2K bug hung in the air, and my teenage…ByJoe ShiehPublishedJuly 6, 2020
OpinionOpinionIt's Time For A Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII RemasterYesterday, I finished Final Fantasy VII Remake. Today, I find myself wanting more, but only a little more. Maybe…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMay 5, 2020
ReviewsReviewsFinal Fantasy VII Remake: The Kotaku ReviewA remake is, by nature, an egotistical exercise. Choosing to revise and re-release an old work of art is looking…ByJason SchreierPublishedApril 6, 2020
CultureCultureRing Fit Adventure Is A Sweaty Ray Of Hope During Self-IsolationLike most people, I haven’t been moving around much these days. Aside from a daily walk, I only use my body to move…ByElizabeth BallouPublishedMarch 31, 2020
2/25/20Dragon Ball Xenoverse Gave Us The Fan-Fiction We Always WantedDragon Ball Xenoverse released in North America five years ago yesterday. It’s far from the best Dragon Ball…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedFebruary 25, 2020
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryLost Odyssey Brilliantly Explores The Tragedy Of Being ImmortalLast month, I wrote about the first leg of Lost Odyssey and how much I was enjoying it. The second disc and first…ByPeter TieryasPublishedFebruary 8, 2020
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryLost Odyssey Is A Moving Story About Immortality, Memories, And LossThere’s a game I keep coming back to every few years. It’s Lost Odyssey for the Xbox 360. Developed by Hironobu…ByPeter TieryasPublishedDecember 31, 2019