I am not sure what I like more about the Victrix Pro AF universal gaming headset. Is it the way it sounds, or the…
The Arcade Gamer, also known as the Poga and as the Master System Portátil in Brazil, is a Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear console on a chip manufactured by AtGames. The Arcade Gamer has been distributed by several companies under different names and colour schemes, in both 20 and 30 game variants. All share the same plastic shell - a controller (also seen with the Mega Drive Twin Pads) with an extra C button, despite no Master System or Game Gear games ever making use of it. The same shell was used for the Mega Drive-based Arcade Gamer Classic.
I am not sure what I like more about the Victrix Pro AF universal gaming headset. Is it the way it sounds, or the…
In a burnt-out, four-story shopping mall on the eastern outskirts of Baghdad, Iraq, one room blared with the…
Negotiating the complexities of playing a powerful warrior steeped in the male gaze
This weekend, my friends are hosting a poker night, and I wanted to brush up on my poker skills. I haven’t played it…
The old parental and Congressional outrage about video games was always pretty stupid. The belief that video games…
It may be a rare sight today, but a demo is one of the best things an upcoming game can do for its audience. Of…
Fred Baggs was making a level in Far Cry 5’s map editor, putting the finishing touches on a project that he says…
Controversial arcade game player Billy Mitchell released a statement today, responding to the recent disqualification…
Star Wars Battlefront II’s new update overhauls the game’s loot box laden progression system. One of players’…
In Japanese, “pro gamer” previously had one definition: a gamer who got money to play. Hence, a professional. Today,…