The future of Street Fighter depends on its newcomers, many of whom come up as children that simply play fighting…
The Arcade Gamer, also known as the Poga and as the Master System Portátil in Brazil, is a Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear console on a chip manufactured by AtGames. The Arcade Gamer has been distributed by several companies under different names and colour schemes, in both 20 and 30 game variants. All share the same plastic shell - a controller (also seen with the Mega Drive Twin Pads) with an extra C button, despite no Master System or Game Gear games ever making use of it. The same shell was used for the Mega Drive-based Arcade Gamer Classic.
The future of Street Fighter depends on its newcomers, many of whom come up as children that simply play fighting…
Some Overwatch fans might argue that the first-person shooter’s darling isn’t any of its heroes. It may be an…
The overlap of horror movie lovers and video game lovers is undoubtedly substantial, so it’s no surprise that…
Sometimes it’s censorship. Sometimes it’s unfortunate implications. And sometimes it’s straight-up unexplainable.…
Learning fighting games is hard enough, even with YouTube tutorials, commentators’ insight during pro tournaments,…
Running for three seasons in the early ‘80s, Starcade was a game show in which players with excellent hair competed…
You’re four years old, maybe five. Your parents got one of those Nintendos that everyone’s been raving about, along…
PlayStation VR is now out for the PS4, but after spending hundreds of dollars on the headset, which games should you…