Platinum Games has a new project. During their E3 2018 press conference today, Square Enix announced Babylon’s Fall. …
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Age of Evil
Age of Evil is a horror comedy themed total conversion for Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition. It was released in 2003 by Benjamin Richard "Yahtzee" Croshaw and contains new levels, new graphics such as new textures, a new sprite for the player's character (Chris Quinn, a British novelist), new enemies, new weapons, new bosses, new voice-overs, new sound effects, and new music.
Platinum Games has a new project. During their E3 2018 press conference today, Square Enix announced Babylon’s Fall. …
Being a good steward of a tabletop game experience is hard work. Any Dungeon Master can tell you that setting the…
I’ve played horror video games so scary they aged me beyond my years. I’ve watched horror movies so scary they had…
Call of Duty has returned to World War II. It wasn’t so long ago that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare saved us from…
“When will MMOs return to their glory days?,” I’d ask whenever the genre of /whispers and warlocks came up in…
If not for the director of SimCity selling his company to Electronic Arts, we might not have Psychonauts, Broken Age,…
On Christmas, like many people all around the world, I spent some quality time with my siblings hunched around a…
When it gets cold outside, there’s only one thing to do: stay indoors and watch anime. So let’s do exactly that!…
For the 12th straight year I’ve made a list of the video games I’ve played in the past 12 months. I’ve tweaked the…