This morning, Nintendo unveiled the video game industry's first new major home console since 2006. Yes, it's been that long! That console is called the Wii U, and here's everything we know about the machine so far.
We've seen the Wii U in the flesh, played its games, seen its trailers and poked at its fancy new controller. Below, you'll find where to catch up on all the good stuff.
Nintendo's New Console is the Wii U
Smash Bros. Returns with Versions for Wii U and 3DS
The Wii U's Title Lineup Touts the Console's Hardcore Cred
There's an Exclusive Ninja Gaiden in the Works for Wii U
Yes, You Can Use a Stylus with the Wii U Controller
Aliens: Colonial Marines for the Wii U Might Happen, or Possibly Not
8 Minutes of Our Hands-On Video Shows What It's Like to Play Wii U
Watch the Wii U's Impressive Debut All Over Again, With Audience Reactions!
But is the Wii U Powerful? Check Out the Tech Demo and See for Yourself
Watch a Man Learn to Play the Wii U
Take a Tour of the Amazing Wii U Controller, In Our Hands
Zelda Games on Wii U Could Look This Stunning
Lets Go Hands-On and Take a Closer Look at the Wii U
Seven Different Ways to Play the Wii U
This is the First Picture of Nintendo's New Console, the Wii U
This is the First Picture of Nintendo's New Controller on the Wii U
First Hands On With Nintendo's New Wii U, the Next-Generation of Play
Nintendo Wii U Hands On: An Entirely Different Way to See Things
First Official Tech Details on Wii U and Its Bold New Controller
What's Under the Wii U's Hood? IBM Spills a Few Chips