Ever wonder what an avatar placeholder wearing a Fable II t-shirt looked like? Well BAM, there it is.
A post by Sam Van Tilburgh on the Fable II development blog this morning reveals that Fable II avatar clothes are coming soon to an Xbox 360 near you. A package of Fable II clothing will be made available for purchase later this month, featuring various articles of game-related clothing you can purchase for "a few Microsoft points." You can actually see a bit more of the Fable II gear in our post on Xbox 360 clothes and toys from last month.
A lot of people have been asking us in recent months about Fable II clothes for their Xbox360 avatar. Well, you'll be happy to learn that we've got something coming your way! It's not going to be a single shirt but a whole package of clothing! It will be available for a few Microsoft points from Marketplace at some stage this month... We've got one teaser image showing you a shirt, but there are boots, shirts and hats! No underwear though...
That's okay Sam, we don't wear underwear anyway.
Fable II Avatar Clothes are coming! [Fable 2 Development Blog]