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Back Home Again in San Mateo

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To: Luke From: Owen Re: Game Free Ever notice how your own home smells like someone else's after you've been out of town for a while? Got back yesterday evening and was greeted with the overwhelming aroma of Motel 6. You know, that sort of musky, cheap, carpet deodorizer smell to mask someone's bodily fluids — in this case the cat's. I forgot I'd laid that down before I left. Seems to have worked but, note to landlord: You can go ahead and take that security deposit and buy yourself something nice. I knew you were gonna do it anyway. Here's some highlights from the previous shift: 'Muslim Massacre' Creator Tucks Tail, Apologizes Are Rock Band 2 Instruments Really Quieter? Nintendo Throws A Party To Benefit Starlight Children's Foundation Forbes: Spore Downloaded 35K Times Weds-Thurs Dangling the Carrot: the 'Loot Theory' Jeff Gerstman and Capcom Get Plowed and Play Age of Booty The Resident Evil Activity Book For Kids UC Irvine Gets Grant to Study WoW