Amid Hasbro's lawsuit over the Scrabulous Facebook game, the social network has pulled the application, as it was ask…
Amid Hasbro's lawsuit over the Scrabulous Facebook game, the social network has pulled the application, as it was ask…
While fans wonder en masse about the fate of Brütal Legend amid the new Activision Blizzard's worrying talk of…
Perhaps it would have been naive to assume that Sony's Fat Princess could have surfaced without stirring…
Ah, Fall 2008. It's the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, because early on in a year, Fall 2008 seems to be the…
When former XNA community manager David Weller expressed concerns about crowding and quality standards when the new…
The debate about how to create emotional investment in games is an ongoing one, but legendary Spore designer Will…
Look who's writing a column in the recently-revamped Edge Online! It's Silicon Knights' Denis Dyack, and he's…
With some calling Facebook the new frontier for gaming, it's unsurprising that it keeps making headlines. After all,…
Users know Gaia Online as essentially an avatar-based chat interface, but now the company's launching what looks…
After Realtime Worlds' appetite-whetting unveiling of its upcoming cops-n'-jerkbags MMO APB (All Points Bulletin),…
Does oddball British comedy make a good portable game? We'll see, I guess, since Blast Entertainment released Mr.…
Relax. Nintendo has not forgotten you. Making new titles for the traditional fanbase just takes time, says Shigeru…
Microsoft's recent announcement that it would let community developers earn money for games they make with the…
Now that EA Sports has begun running ads featuring real gamers promoting the titles, investment blog The Motley Fool…
Silicon Knights' Too Human is coming to our shores on August 19th, and we now know our neighbors in Europe will get…
For those antsy for Spore, the September 7th launch date can't come soon enough — but while you're waiting, you can…
Yes, all MMOs have avatars in them, and Xbox 360 will now have avatars in it, too. But the MMO that Nickelodeon is…
Quantic Dream's David Cage, the creator of Indigo Prophecy who's currently at work on Heavy Rain, often has good…
Majesco's getting on board the Facebook game craze with Bananagrams, an anagram game hitting the social networking…
Peggle fans can now cement their addiction, since PopCap's now bringing the popular casual game to DS with a little…