I resisted going as a video game character for Halloween because cosplayers' homemade duds invariably put mine to…
I resisted going as a video game character for Halloween because cosplayers' homemade duds invariably put mine to…
I certainly hope so, because it's coming to the PlayStation 3 this January — and it may well make its way West at…
In game trialers, we expect to see actual gameplay, shiny cinematics and a clear statement of both the release date…
Sounds like people (e.g. my boss) weren't excited about a second LEGO Indy game, despite the awesome driving mode…
Game Politics reports that a German advocacy group wants people to bring their "killer games" to the front of an…
If you live in Burbank, California — or just happen to be there Friday, October 23 — you should drop in on Insomniac…
Research group NPD predicts a less techy Christmas in their holiday retail outlook. So don't act shocked if a book…
I was jealous when I heard Stephen Totilo played Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep at the Tokyo Game Show. But even if…
I'm glad Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron's space-to-ground transitions made it into the multiplayer –- there…
I first saw the original Ju-on movie in Japan on Halloween night 2005. I was doing fine up until the part where the…
In Divinity II, you are a freaking dragon at least half the time. Why should you care about petty mortal concerns…
Dragons will sell me almost anything — video games, clothing, you name it. I've got to say, though, I didn't think…
Machinima film, 6 Days in Call of Duty 4, is going to the Cinemanila International Film Festival alongside…
Until yesterday, I'd only just heard of Dark Void. I'd never played it, never seen videos of it — my only attachment…
Nikola Tesla is no stranger to video game appearances and references. But I don't think he's looked this good…
Jet packs? Check. Funny-looking helmet? Check. Nikola Tesla? I'd prefer Alan Arkin, but check.
Dear Japanese role-playing game gods, let Namco Bandai bring Tales of Graces to the US soon. I need to get the…
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony hits Xbox Live and store shelves (along with Lost and Damned) October…
After getting a look at developer Arkedo's new venture today, CEO Camille Guermonprez told me something very, very…