Microsoft has gone above and beyond this holiday season by offering their very own Gift Influencer to those wanting…
Microsoft has gone above and beyond this holiday season by offering their very own Gift Influencer to those wanting…
If you're like me and didn't get into the Killzone 2 Beta, here's a video montage showcasing most of the weapons…
Tom "Tsquared" Taylor, you know, the guy who plays Halo competitively in Major League Gaming? He recently inked a…
It's not Christmas time yet, but gosh darn it there's already three or four feet of snow where I live! If you plan…
What happens when you throw a launch event for a game with 11 million subscribers in the biggest city in America?…
Capcom held a Street Fighter Club event for a select group of its Unity members Friday night in Brooklyn. Invitees…
I was excited for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix back when it was first announced in April 2007. HD remakes…
Go big or go home. That's what I always say, and EA must have been thinking the same thing when they announced their…
The recent announcement of a bigger and better E3 left many wondering if the other North American gaming shows would…
The wait between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 was way too long, Eight years too long, in fact. So will we have to wait…
This here is a video compilation of all the death sequences found in Dead Space. The majority of them are…
Trying to think of a last minute Halloween outfit? Craigslist has all sorts of costumes, including these one size…
Seth Luisi, Director of Development at SCEA, made an announcement on the SOCOM Confrontation official website…
A rumor from the latest issue of the US Official PlayStation Magazine suggests Sony may be offering more than just…
Last week, Sony announced a worldwide recall and delay for LittleBigPlanet after two expressions from the Qur’an…
Interviews galore! Peter Molyneux sat down and gave Kotaku just about everything there is to know about Fable II, RE5…
SCE President Kaz Hirai recently addressed the importance of games on the PS3. This must have been great news to Spor…
Will Wright attended the Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards ceremony at the Hearst Tower in New York City last…
Tons and tons of news came out of this year's TGS over the weekend. From the announcement of Halo 3: Recon to Tekken…