Microsoft has gone above and beyond this holiday season by offering their very own Gift Influencer to those wanting an Xbox 360. It's easy. All you have to do is simply answer 10 questions, fill in your name, and ta-da! You'll get your very own, authentic looking "gimmie" letter to give to your parents. Just pray they don't ask who the weird kid is in the top corner. You can view my letter, as well as Microsoft's humorous "Tips & Tricks" guide that's included after the jump. Of course you could always check out our 360 gift guide too. Also, as someone who considers himself a master at this type of thing, I have a few words of advice: Start early. Get through to your parents what you want as soon as possible. (I usually start warming them up in October) Pictures are a must, too. The last thing you want to happen is to have your parents rely on sales people to find all your gaming goods. Good Luck!
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