Sure, there are lots of positive things to say about Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but there was one argument that could tale it all down: the Sea bass. But not any more! In the New Horizons 2.0 update, those sneaky people at Nintendo have made the floppy blighters useful. You can cook them!
As spotted by the sea-eagle-eyed folk at Nintendo Life, last night’s surprise early update to the 34.85 million selling Switch game brought in not just Brewster and a first-person camera (amongst much else), but also—finally—a purpose for those ubiquitous fishy bastards. Pie. Fish pie. Mmmmmmmmm.
“Sea-bass pie,” as the game somewhat erroneously hyphenates it, is just one recipe discovered for the incredibly ambiguous piscean foe. Also discovered so far is the even more appetizing-sounding “Grilled sea bass with herbs.” Well, appetizing right up until you discover the recipe calls for one sea bass, and five clumps of weeds. No recipe should ever include the word “clump.” That’s just science.
Read more: Oh Snap, Animal Crossing Rocks Can Give You Star Fragments Now
Sea bass have long been the bane of Animal Crossing players, always appearing on the ends of hooks no matter the season, or time of day, gobbling on lines intended for far more exotic finds. And New Horizons made this even worse, removing their one previous purpose: being helpful in the fishing tourney. Where once they were a boon in the big fish competition, in ACNH, the round was omitted from the competition! And, as Ian pointed out last year, tool degradation also meant the slippery pests would wear out your rod too.
But sound the town bells, release flocks of doves, organize an island party: the dreaded sea bass can now be cooked up, its calories converted to tree-destroying energy. Or indeed you can just leave your creations lying around your house as decoration. Which is weird.