Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ October direct presentation did mention that the incoming massive update would introduce a new point of view, but if you forgot that was the case, I wouldn’t blame you. There was a lot in there, because this update—which is now live early—is massive. But even knowing it was coming didn’t quite prepare me for now different everything looks.
I don’t mean literally, obviously a different perspective will be definition not be the same as the old third-person view. But looking at videos people are posting on social media, the camera allows you to really appreciate the finer details of the game. Those of us with an OLED will get an even better look at it all, too!
Small things, things you took for granted, might make you pause. That errant flower bed waving in the wind right below your eyes. Or, for those of you have spent hours meticulously constructing the best possible decor, walking around with the new camera lets you savor each and every design choice that you’ve made. Y’all, I’m staring at the shine of a fucking toaster over here.
It’s also cool because they didn’t necessarily tweak the visuals themselves. There are new items that look extremely cool, sure, but what you get to see in first person now was what was there all along. You just couldn’t see it like this.
I’m excited to do old New Horizon activities, like going to the aquarium or museum, with friends who have already seen my collection before. It’s going to feel different. What’s cool here though is that it can go beyond mere novelty. Fans have discovered that you can use the camera to take a closer look at things like Redd’s art wares, allowing you to bypass that entire conversation you typically go through. Given how long one has to spend mashing A through conversations, that is a welcome time save.
So, how do you activate the new perspective? Head to the Nook terminal in your Town Hall. You’ll have to pay 1,500 miles for the Pro Camera App, which will give you first-person view when you press minus on your controller. That’s handheld mode, which also happens to include a nested tripod mode that keeps things stationary. It should help with taking eye-level pictures, unless you’re a fan of chaos. You apparently can’t turn when you activate this on the overworld, but it’s definitely worth fiddling with anyway—especially since indoors you get the full 360 treatment.
And yes, there’s a selfie mode, along with new filters. Time to go spend hours staring at my own house!