These days, it seems like you cannot turn on the TV in Japan without seeing her. Her name is Mitsu Dan. She's…
Last year's "main visual" for the Tokyo Game Show gaming expo featured a hodgepodge of images and a very bland…
When Osaka-based Capcom isn't making popular video games, it is doing something else entirely: ragging on the…
This is the same mission Totilo played through at TGS earlier this year, only this time around they've got Ubisoft…
Browsing through Facebook on the Xbox 360 is much like browsing through the community portal on your computer -…
While talking to Level 5 about the studio's next big role-playing game for the U.S., White Knight Chronicles, I…
If something goes wrong when you, a video game producer, try to show a trio of Kotaku writers a DS game, should you…
One guy likes buying toilet paper. Another says he never drives on the same road twice. But were you also wondering…
Two of the top men at Capcom responsible for making interactive murder investigations funny know which fake lawyer…
While Project Natal, and its ability to allow Xbox 360 gamers to play video games completely free of a controller,…
In a meeting last week with a game developer at the Tokyo Game Show, I asked them if they were planning on trying…
The PSPgo and Playstation Portable were everywhere at Sony's Tokyo Game Show booth. And tucked away in one section…
Ninety-Nine Nights II, much like the original Xbox 360 game, is light on subtlety.
Ryozo Tsujimoto told me he had no complaints about the horsepower of the Wii, when I interviewed him last week. He's…
One of the creators of White Knight Chronicles, the upcoming PlayStation 3 role-playing game, just wanted to know…
To do more than use Dante's Inferno as a colorful setting for a generic game the Electronic Arts developers have to…
The last gaming convention of 2009 has run its course. The cosplayers have packed their bags, content to allow…
Play Arts, the action figure branch of Square Enix, are making some Bayonetta figures. A quick comparison between…
Fall is here, and this week's episode of Kotaku Talk Radio is in the can, ready to be downloaded and consumed at…
Few games that I've seen benefit as much from being seen in video, as opposed to in stills, as PixelJunk Shooter. So…