One guy likes buying toilet paper. Another says he never drives on the same road twice. But were you also wondering which Tecmo producer can walk like a zombie?
This two-sided document was handed to reporters who attended a Tecmo-Koei event in Tokyo last week. Video game producers from the recently-merged company mingled with press like us. At least, that was the goal. This sheet was designed to help break the ice and the language barrier.
And it might have been educational, too.
For the record, Tecmo's Kohei Shibata did do his zombie walk. It was passable.
Also, note the lack of info for Yosuke Hayashi, who Crecente and I last saw at E3 when he was talking about Tecmo's role in co-developing Metroid: Other M. I asked him how the game was going. He said, "Very, very good." I did not ask him about his likes or dislikes. Nor did I request a fun fact. Next time!