Let's see, we've gone through Microsoft and EA, who's next? Ah yes, Ubisoft, bringing the Watch Dogs and Assassin's…
Microsoft is about to take the stage in the first big press conference of E3 2013, and they've got quite a lot of…
With exclusive reveals, extended coverage and special appearances from some familiar Kotaku faces, Spike TV's E3…
It's a big night for video games. We've got Spike TV's 10th annual Video Game Awards airing live at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT,…
In two week's time, the E3 press conferences will be over. You'll have seen the biggest newest from Nintendo, Sony,…
Today, the nominees for the annual Spike TV VGA Awards were announced. It is a God-given right for people to bitch…
Speaking of roofs (rooves?), GameTrailers TV went on ours in New York this week with Totilo, Crecente and Joel.…
Tonight on Spike TV, Joel Johnson, Stephen Totilo, and Brian Crecente spend several minutes chatting with GameTrail…
Gawker's New York City headquarters is on fire in this week's episode of GameTrailers TV, as host Geoff Keighley…
Irrational Games has been slowly drip-feeding us portions of its behind closed doors, 14-minute-long E3 2011…
Someday, we may get The Daily Show: The Video Game or Spike TV Video Game Awards: The Game, thanks to the formation…
Mexican movie director Guillermo del Toro is making a game with publisher THQ—according to del Toro, anyway—a…
Tonight's Spike TV VGAs offered new video reveals that were part expected, part surprise. From the expected camp…
When Spike TV's telegenic hosts hand out awards at this year's VGAs show next week, this, the Vector Monkey as…
Spike TV's annual Video Game Awards show promises a handful of brand new video game announcements, including (but…
GameTrailers TV host and extreme Twitter enthusiast Geoff Keighley has announced that the world premier for Halo:…
The show will air the first trailer of whatever Bethesda has up its sleeve, giving fans ample reason to tune in. Of…
.html This week's episode of GameTrailers TV, now airing one day earlier, will be packed with the game footage…
The show is moving from "Friday nights at 1 AM"—which was technically early Saturday morning at 1 AM—to "Thursday…
This Friday's episode of GameTrailers TV promises us a look at two highly anticipated downloads for both Grand Theft…