Looking to make crossing the street a little safer, Taiwanese legislators have proposed fining pedestrians who cross…
Looking to make crossing the street a little safer, Taiwanese legislators have proposed fining pedestrians who cross…
Let's face it, modern smartphones, with their giant glass screens, are in constant danger! Those glorious screens…
Internet slang for the most part is, well, meaningless but interesting slang. In China, one phrase from the giant…
Cosplay is huge in China and Taiwan. It's become an industry in itself, where young men and women get paid to dress…
China is a place of extremes. On the streets of Beijing, one can see cars that only ever appear in the New York Auto…
Internet addiction is a controversial subject. Some experts say it's a real thing, others say it's not. Regardless…
A Chinese man in Wuchang, Hubei Province, China has been living inside an internet cafe for over the past two…
Over the weekend in southwest China's Sichuan province, a young woman in her 20s threatened to jump off an apartment…
Online gaming addiction is a serious thing, and in China where they limit gaming time and access, it's no laughing…
Agent 47 may just look like a bald guy in a suit from the front but that iconic barcode on the back of his neck lets…
A researcher at Oxford University queried adults who were 16 years old in 1986 and found a correlation between an…
Nielsen, the folks who measure every single thing that is or could possibly be done with a television set, have…
You've lost your job, your house, and your savings are completely gone. Can you survive for a month on $1,000?…
Almost one out of every ten artifacts unearthed from the ruins of the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro in present-day…
Last night President Obama delivered the State of the Union. Written for posterity, perhaps, it's still a policy…
Rep. Tim Murphy discussing the Tucson shootings. We have a Constitution that prohibits government restraint of most…
If I'm Not Drunk, the satire "game" about DUI, was too subtle in its message of how pathetic you are when you're…
As Kotaku's resident deplorable alcoholic, expectations for me are low enough that not only can I post something…
The Army is remaking its basic training for the first time in 30 years to cope with a generation that, as the…
Last night on a very special Family Guy: When Peter loses his memory, he needs to re-learn everything. That includes…