Illusion Field claims to be the ultimate "undressing game". But this futuristic fantasy titles looks like it's…
A GameStop employee interviewed for a piece on Japanese rape simulator RapeLay suddenly finds himself without a…
Argentina has banned controversial adult computer game Rapelay. Rape games have been banned in Japan. So what gives…
CNN reporter Kyung Lah recently filed a story on out-of-print erotic game Rapelay. One Japanese manga creator has…
What did CNN decide to do after covering out-of-print Japanese adult computer game Rapelay years after the title…
In spring 2009, the Western media caused a brouhaha over computer game Rapelay. The game was released in 2006, and…
In the wake of the Rapelay controversy, Japanese erotic games have come under intense scrutiny.
As the fallout from the Rapelay controversy continues, one Japanese erotic game distributor has, for better or…
The developer that brought the world Rapelay, Illusion, is working on an erotic game with rip-off Dragon Quest III…
From the folks that brought you Rapelay comes this erotic game: Yuusha kara wa nigerarenai (You Can't Escape From…
The Kyoto Police's High Tech Crime Unit has arrested 38-year-old Kawasaki City resident Hidetoshi Fukuzawa for…
The big erotic game trend these days? Block foreign access of your website. Why? Because foreigners have been making…
With "rape games" officially banned in Japan and politicians cracking down, the country's erotic game makers are…
Don't believe everything you see on television — even when it's reported by a major Japanese television network —…
PC game Rapelay might have been released legally in Japan three years ago, but that didn't stop it from causing an…
The recent Western crackdown on the legally-released-three-years-ago game Rapelay has inspired Japanese politicians…
Now that Rapelay has caused a stink in the Western press, it's time for it the Japanese press to get up in arms.