One of the biggest problems with social games on Facebook is finding the damn things. Facebook Gameroom is a…

“It’s amazing how that little monkey wound up being able to help me and others become better surgeons” said an…
Microsoft has a lot they want to talk about at this Consumer Electronics Show: Their big Kinect sales numbers, the…

Microsoft is bringing its Game Room retro collection to the Windows Phone 7, starting with Centipede, Asteroids…

Fable Coin Golf was the oddest of the games Microsoft showed in Las Vegas today, all slated to come to the Windows…
Enthusiasm for Microsoft's Game Room, to be polite, well, plateaued soon after its spring debut. It'd be a shame if…
Krome Studios, the Australian developer behind Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and more recently the Xbox 360's Game Room,…
Konami's Time Pilot headlines the latest Game Pack release for the Xbox Live Game Room, which just went live today.…
After a brief delay (and scary sounding update) in the flow of updates to Microsoft's Game Room virtual arcade for…
According to a Tweet from Microsoft's European Xbox Live editor, the next round of content for Microsoft's virtual…
New games will be added to the Xbox Live Game Room on a weekly basis - but those updates won't begin until late…
I just got an arcade in my basement. It's two floors of rooms, some themed to my favorite game makers, others made…
Someone picked apart the resource file for the Microsoft Game Room - the PC version of the Xbox Game Room that…
The retro-friendly Game Room hit the Xbox 360 early this morning somewhat out of whack, not allowing gamers to…
Microsoft's virtual space, Game Room, for hanging out and gaming has gone live for both Xbox 360 and Games for…
Microsoft gets its Xbox Live Block Party started right, scheduling the weekly releases of Toy Soldiers, Scrap…
One of the biggest potential stumbling points for the 360's (and PC's!) Game Room - having to secure an endless…
When the Xbox 360 gets its Game Room later this year, players will have to repopulate the arcade with titles no…