Super Bomberman R kinda came and went last year, but Konami have since decided to go the Smash Bros. route with…

Think Konami’s gonna shut this down?
“I was kinda hoping that Konami would take me back now that he was gone.” In a special edition of the Game Informer…

With TGS and a handful of new Metal Gear Solid V footage behind, Outside Xbox's clip weaves further the web of…

Metal Gear Solid has never been a franchise that's lacked fan service when it comes to depicting attractive…
Many Metal Gear Solid fans aren't exactly happy that David Hayter will not—as far as we can tell—be reprising his…
Wow! I guess David Hayter is really upset he won't be returning to the role of Snake for the next Metal Gear Solid…

Ever since David Hayter tearfully announced that he wouldn't be returning as Snake for the next Metal Gear Solid…
Might David Hayter, the longtime voice of Solid Snake said to be excluded from Metal Gear Solid 5, still make an appearance? Reader and longtime MGS fan Di Viexi pieces together a recent Tweet and a YouTube video to say ... maybe ... Check back on June 11. Read more
"It’s been fifteen years, nine games, and an enormous blast to undertake. If it were my choice, I would do this role forever. To hear anyone else’s voice coming from Snake’s battered throat, makes me a little ill, to be honest."
- David Hayter, talking movingly today in a must-read Twitter message about not playing… Read more