It's the cover art for DS game Tobidase! Kagaku-kun Chikyuu Daitanken! Nazo no Chinkai Seibutsu ni Idome! (Fly Mr.…
I love me some Star Wars—so much so that I have read every single post-A New Hope book that has come out (and more…
What the hell am I looking at here? It's the strange imagery that's produced by taking a familiar piece of cover…
One of the reasons I run Fine Art is so that artists, who play such a major role in shaping our attachment with our…
Months after fan voting ended, you can finally download and print the alternate covers for BioShock Infinite over at Irrational Games’ website. Read more
Rockstar's dropped the official box art for Grand Theft Auto V. It's just like that unfinished mural, only finished.
If it's a big-budget game, you can (cynically) count on at least one thing: a stoic-looking guy incorrectly holding…
A little under two weeks ago, Irrational Games asked you to vote on a design for the alternate side of BioShock…
Today Ken Levine, the creator of BioShock, announced that BioShock Infinite will have a reversible box art. But…
2K Games revealed the box art for BioShock Infinite this morning and the verdict on it was swift and disapproving.
Before the cellophane came off your freshly shipped copy of 1985's Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment…
Yesterday we told you what we've been told about the yet-to-be announced Modern Warfare 3. Today we're showing you…
Michael Jordan isn't the only best-ever superstar gracing the cover of a video game and appearing in it this year.…
En Fuego the Flaming Basketball, widely considered the greatest performer in the history of combustible sporting…
ESPN, citing multiple unnamed sources, says 2K Sports is pursuing basketball's greatest player ever, Michael Jordan,…
While Ubisoft is busy teasing players via Facebook, we've got anonymous tipsters sending us images of the…
Today Capcom reveals the cover art for the Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars, featuring All-Stars exclusives…
As I've stated in the past, I am completely in love with the artwork included in DJ Max Fever, the combination of…