En Fuego the Flaming Basketball, widely considered the greatest performer in the history of combustible sporting goods, was revealed today as the cover pitchman for EA Sports' upcoming NBA Jam for the Wii. An in-game appearance is also confirmed.
"En Fuego is proud to be associated with the mystique of NBA Jam going back nearly two decades," said his agent, Arson McBriefcase. "We believe this partnership benefits both En Fuego and EA Sports, the worldwide leader in incinerating gym equipment."
For his part, the seven-time world champion and all-time leader in both burned hands and singed nets dedicated the honor to his mother, who recently deflated.
"You know, I just want to thank my mom and all she did," En Fuego said at a news conference. "It wasn't easy for her, as a single, working volleyball trying to raise a golf club and a bat and me."
NBA Jam for the Wii is out Oct. 5