If it's a big-budget game, you can (cynically) count on at least one thing: a stoic-looking guy incorrectly holding a gun on the cover. It's a trend in the same way blue-orange movie covers are a trend. Covers rarely break that mold, but according to Gamespot, Quantic Dream is doing it with Beyond: Two Souls. And this is that QD were pitched the idea of having Ellen Page's character holding a gun.
Judging from Gamespot's interview with Quantic Dream co-founder Guillaume de Fondaumière, it's obvious that Quantic Dream wants to carefully manage the image of Beyond: Two Souls. It can't seem like a mindless action game. While there is some action in the title, it's not what the game is about on the whole—and the cover needed to communicate that. GameSpot writes:
So did anyone involved in the game try to pitch that Beyond's front cover be a figure of Ellen Page's character holding a gun? "Yes, and we categorically refused it," said Fondaumière. "It's kind of natural for agencies, you know, who are far away from the project, to pitch you different things. 'It's a video game? Okay, it needs to have a gun otherwise it's not even a game.' But our job, with David [Cage], is to make sure that everyone understands what is specific about this game and to make sure that we have the right pack shot, and the right imagery supporting the project, and the right image is being communicated to the public."
It's almost like miracles do happen. Of course, if that wasn't interesting enough, here's the reason why a protagonist holding a gun was rejected: to reach a mature audience, and to speak to women. Apparently the game shares similarities to media women like or something—here's hoping that this doesn't mean the game is taking cues from shit like Twilight. (Nevermind how dicey that idea is.)
Regardless, taking a look at the cover:
I guess it speaks to the more "contemplative" gamer? Maybe? Who knows. To the gamer that dreams of running free in the woods? Honestly between the cover and the name of the game, were I not following Beyond: Two Souls, I'd have zero clue what kind of game it is.
Quantic Dream refused gun-toting Ellen Page cover for Beyond: Two Souls [GameSpot]