Big Download got the scoop from Penny Arcade's Robert Khoo that PAX 2009 sold out to the people-packing tune of 60,750. While slightly over last year's attendance, it's still taken as a strong showing.
Last year drew 58,500; this year at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle, the show had a fixed amount of tickets to sell due to overcrowding and safety concerns.
The figure is also south of back-of-the-envelope estimates that the con would draw 75,000. However, Khoo told Big Download he hopes more will be able to attend next year's expo, in light of expansion plans for the convention center. In late March, there also is PAX East in Boston. Khoo provided no early estimates of its attendance.
Exclusive: PAX 2009 Brings in 60,750 Attendees [Big Download via Joystiq]