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Weekend Note: Kezins Delenda Est

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To: Luke From: Owen I'm definitely not saying that the stampede caused by the now-infamous Top 50 Cosplay Cleavage Shots post is what took down But it doesn't look good when it goes down exactly four minutes after the post went live, resulting in a massive case of pornus interruptus for the readership. Still, Mr. Juandrful and Kezins aren't really sure what happened. Since they registered through GoDaddy — yeah, ruh roh — they got about six different half-assed explanations. (Yes, smart guy, I realize that equals three whole asses.) At any rate, those who are hoping Kezins will come back up so they can get the full gallery are going to be disappointed. The site is pretty much down for good. But commenter Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science grabbed all 50, rar'ed em up and posted a rapidshare link to the set in the comments, for those who want it. But I think we're all spent now. Anyway, in light of all this, I offered Juan this space to write a farewell for his readers and it's printed on the jump. First the highlights: The Top 50 Cosplay Cleavage Shots [Updated] PSP-Playin' Bus Driver was Not, in Fact, Fired PC Gaming Alliance Sith Saber Slashes LucasArts How to Get an Official Nintendo Seal of Quality Dead Space Team Studied Car Wreck Victims The First 10 Minutes of Fable 2, albeit in PolishAnd now, Mr. Juandrful:

Alas, another gaming blog is in jeopardy. No, not for crude or offensive behavior or pinching our secretaries in the buttock as she went to the fifth tier in our library to retrieve one of our C&D letters. Nor The Man. It was Daddy ... GoDaddy. Let me warn those up and coming writers looking to write the world on their blog but don't realize that your dependence on others is like a high stakes game of Three Card Monte in NYC. House always wins!, the Video Game and Entertainment Blog, which I helped co-found is in the midst of shutting its virtual doors. After months of issues with GoDaddy and their lack of professional support, they have suspended our account til further due. After yesterday's traffic on "The 50 Best Cosplay Cleavage Pics", our site went from "Service Temporarily Unavailable" to "403 Forbidden" to Suspended, and ALL our files have been deleted. We placed several calls with GoDaddy and were given numerous excuses, ranging from "It's purely a coincidence, we're currently performing maintenance on our servers, and happened to be on that server," to "The site's permission will need to be reset." All in all, 48 to 72 hours were our uptimes — not acceptable. In the end, our site is on pause while we contact other sites looking to take in some hobos, err, writers who still have a passion for this. Thanks for the views! Juan