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Weekend Coupons: Slim Savings

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We seem to have hit a lull this week. Gamestop has gone ga-ga with Pokémon shit because the DS platinum version is releasing March 22. Play-Asia is having a huge sale, though.

Here's what I found:

• Beginning tomorrow, Kmart - whoa, they still exist? - is having a sale on Xbox Live subscription cards. You can get 12 months for $30 but it is in-store only. So if you don't have a Kmart in town, and many don't, your next best bet is to print this out, take it to Best Buy and ask if they'll price match, at which point they'll probably just laugh at you. And then demand to see a receipt on the way out. [via Cheap College Gamers]

Play-Asia is having a big sale - just make sure the game you're getting is not region locked. Many of the titles have no region protection, so you should be good. Just make sure. Also, as further enticement, the discounter is offering a bunch of giveaways, ranging from Resident Evil (Biohazard) 5 console bundles to DSis to gift cards. [via Cheap Ass Gamer]


• Gamestop is offering a free second kick-pedal if you pre-order Guitar Hero: Metallica. Of course that's "subject to availability" and "while supplies last" which means "you might not get the free gift and if so, sucks to be you."


• In terms of current games, you might consider discounts here if you're willing to wait for them to be mailed. Resident Evil 5 and Killzone 2 are being offered for $7 less through Amazon, and if you have Prime you can get it shipped free. Newegg is offering Far Cry 2 for $15 off, with free shipping, and Saints Row 2 for $32, also free shipping. Both are for the 360.


As always, smart gamers can find values any day of the week, so if you've run across a deal, share it with us in the comments. And as an addendum to that, I get a ton of tips regarding sales well after this feature runs. I try to put it up Saturday morning so that everyone has plenty of time to take advantage of weekend offers. If you're itching to tip me for the weekend coupons feature, send it to tipsATkotakuDOTcom, put "coupons" somewhere in the subject header, and try to get it in before 0900 Crecente time. These will be noticed and you will be thanked.