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Weekend Coupons: Boxed Up

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There's a long list of games you can trade in for a free Fight Night: Round 4 at GameStop, but of course, these are high value targets.

The rest of the week's values seems to indicate a post-Dad's Day lull, with retailers clearing off stock and offering regular bundles as major value-adds. Eh, whatevs, let's get to the coupons.

• GameStop's really flacking the trade-ins with a variety of percentage bonuses depending on what you hand over, including consoles. See their full ad to see if any of it is worthwhile to you. But you can get Fight Night Round 4 if you bring them three "select titles" for trade in. See the 360 list and the PS3 list and yes, they want good games. Although if you're trading in old sports titles you're done playing until next season, this can be a decent value. [Gamestop]


• This week's Steam sale is half-off on the daring indie title Zeno Clash. You can check out our review and then decide if you want it for $9.99. [Steam]


• Walmart's also being stingy with the free game come-ons. Buy a console and they'll give you a free title, but of course, it's from a "select list." Buying a 360 gives you the Fable II and Halo 3 bundle (available elsewhere for the same price) but a PS3 has a longer list from which to choose. The deal applies to every platform, handhelds too. [Walmart]

• Newegg's got a few deals worth mentioning: $10 off if you want to re-up your Xbox Live Gold sub for 12 months; $12 off a PS3 DualShock controller; also, Red Faction: Guerilla is $39.99 for Xbox 360 and PC. [Newegg]


• And while Newegg's price on the Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter is nice, Amazon's is much better - $76.99. Free shipping available, both SuperSaver and if you have the Amazon Gold whatchamacalit. [Amazon]


As always, smart gamers can find values any day of the week, so if you've run across a deal, share it with us in the comments.